A peek into my head.

Femdom, a timeless narrative that permeates our world, finds its roots in tales as old as time itself.

Consider the enchanting lore of the sirens. While we're familiar with their reputation for seducing and submerging sailors, I prefer to envision a more tantalizing prelude. Perhaps, they possessed an artful skill of keeping their captives alive, bound and teased with the allure of both sensual pleasure and eventual liberation. Or, as they lured their prey into the abyss, perhaps they savored the sensation of sinking their teeth into flesh, savoring the sight of agony ascending as delicate bubbles to the surface.

Though these creatures may be mythical, the essence of dark femininity is very real. Throughout history, women have been both vilified and feared, their innate power to wield their sensuality as a formidable weapon acknowledged as a potent threat.


Yet, within every one of us, there exists a gentler facet of femininity. We are nurturers, bestowing life and love upon those we cherish. Personally, I identify as a dominant empath, deriving profound fulfillment from crafting bespoke experiences that liberate us from the judgments of the external world. It's about basking joyfully in the present, together.

I maintain exacting standards and view access to my world as a matter of circumstance. If you endeavor to impress me, and our interests align, the likelihood of acceptance into my realm increases.

So, you may wonder, what do I desire? How can one secure a place in my world? Let’s dive in sailor.



There are many ways to please me. 

Call me Mistress.

Feed my sadistic smile by gifting me your flesh and suffering. Quench my thirst for complete and utter control of your body and mind.  Let me dress you like a doll, and train you to be my toy. Make me laugh at your misfortune.  Hang on to my every word. Get lost in my scent. Obey. 

Tell me your secrets. Cry in my lap. Lay yourself bare at my feet and be the most vulnerable version of yourself. Open your mind to being reprogrammed. Let me me play with the switch, turning you on and off. 

Be a stool for me to rest my legs on or a seat for my ass. Be a mouth to inspect or a hole for me to stuff. Be a beast for me to tame. Be a flame for me to fan. Be yourself and someone else, all at once. 

Drown in all that is me, and still beg to be dragged deeper. 




Service encompasses the various means by which you nurture and enhance my life, whether it involves performing acts of service or providing financial support.

I am attracted to submissives who excel in a service-oriented context, particularly in medium to high protocol settings. These individuals have a talent for anticipating my needs, proactively acquiring new skills, paying attention to detail, and demonstrating a readiness to make sacrifices and financially contribute.

Though I appreciate a high protocol "slave" dynamic, there are numerous inventive and meaningful ways to contribute in the realm of service. Embrace your creativity and identify your strengths.

I would like to note that while I often attract male submissives, I love playing with women, couples, and people all over the gender spectrum. I am in the process of writing blog posts about how my approach and style can vary, depending on the dynamic.




Below are examples of some of the experiences that I offer.


The Classic Session

The most popular choice involves a variety of BDSM experiences, activities, kinks, and fetishes. Usually ranging between 1 - 6 hours long.

The Social Date

Time dedicated to connecting in a social environment. We can get to know each other over a coffee, share dirty looks over dinner or I can spice up your drink at the bar.


The Sensualist

Follow my lead as we float between the realms of casual engagement and proper play.  This is for those who crave a duplicitous experience. A dinner between hours of play can be a brief reprieve, albeit still within the perpetual tease.


The Deprivation Slut

Wrapped up tight, blindfolded, and laid at my feet as a footstool, you can quietly float in bliss as I do work on my laptop. Discounted Rate.

The Extremist

A Sardax drawing comes to life. Complete and utter enslavement. This dynamic is to be requested with caution by those of you who are drawn to the concept of  24/7 servitude. You will be entirely under my command throughout the experience.


The Jet Setter

Fly me to you, and we can get into naughty adventures all over the globe.


The Girl Gang

Want double the trouble? Or a triple threat? Ask me about other providers that I work with in your area, and the group experiences that I offer.

The Experimental Couple

Looking to spice things up in the bedroom but don’t know where to start? Hiring a dominatrix for an educational session can improve communication, connection, and that “spark” within your relationship.


The Hard Truth

Who better to advise you on life’s trials and tribulations than a dominatrix? Your therapist can’t outright tell you when you are wrong, but I certainly will.




My incall location is in the heart of Wynwood.


Not all kink spaces should be dark and ominous. When flooded with natural light, this space feels light and etherial. It’s laid out well for impact play, shibari, slut training, and sensation play.


 In the darkness, our senses come alive. Think heavy bondage, electro-play, leather hoods, medical play and extreme T&D. This area is gear heavy, designed to have an elevated, classic BDSM dungeon aestetic.



I make outcalls to hotels, private homes, and other studios as long as they are private and clean and you have completed my vetting process. Expect additional fees and the booking minimum will depend on travel time.